Being Overwhelmed by Controlling ADHD

BeforeSunset AI
4 min readOct 10, 2023


A comprehensive and vigorous approach is needed to manage ADHD’s overwhelming symptoms. Recognizing ADHD and how it affects your life uniquely allows self-compassion and reduces self-blame.

Professional counsel and medicine may help. Divide tasks into small portions and use reminders to create order and reduce confusion.

Exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep improve health and symptom management.

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What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that causes frequent hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. ADHDers have trouble focusing and organizing, and they make reckless mistakes.

In addition to impulsivity, kids may be hyperactive and fidget. These symptoms can impact daily life, relationships, employment, and well-being.

Behavioral therapy and medicines can help individuals manage their symptoms, albeit it may be tough. ADHD is usually diagnosed in children, however it can affect adults.

ADHD Symptoms and Traits

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) has two main symptoms and traits: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination. Common symptoms and traits for each subtype include:

1. Distracted Presentation:

Inability to focus on work, hobbies, or conversations and casual mistakes.
Inattention to academics, housekeeping, or appointments.
Disorganization often leads to a messy home and problems managing time.
Avoiding mentally demanding tasks like schoolwork and paperwork.
Losing keys, phones, and school materials frequently.
Trouble following directions or finishing exciting or interesting things.

2. Reactive Hyperactivity:

Increased fidgeting, restlessness, or inability to sit quietly in typical contexts.
Overtalking and disruptions during discussions or activities.
Impulsivity can lead to problems waiting one’s time, blurting out answers before questions are done, or acting without considering the consequences.
Constantly being “on the go.” and having trouble relaxing.

3. Presentation Integration:

ADHD sufferers often experience inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.

In addition to these symptoms, ADHDers may have:

Lack of emotional regulation produces mood swings, irritability, and frustration.
Executive dysfunction: trouble planning, organizing, initiating tasks, and managing time.
Procrastination is the inability to start important or enjoyable tasks.
Working memory impairment: Trouble storing and manipulating information, which can affect problem-solving and decision-making.


ADHD Overview Overwhelmed

ADHD overload symptoms can be debilitating. ADHD symptoms include chronic inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, making it hard to focus, organize, and manage everyday tasks.

This constant cognitive and sensory onslaught can induce fury, fear, and a sensation of being behind in work, school, and personal life. ADHD can overwhelm emotion management, causing mood swings and tension.

Time management, medication, counseling, and support systems help ADHD patients cope and feel less stressed.

Due to ADHD, You May Feel Overwhelmed

ADHD often causes overloading. In ADHD, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the main symptoms, however additional reasons may exist.

Impaired Executive Function

Executive function deficiencies affect cognitive processes that regulate and manage daily living. These functions are called the brain’s “executive” or control center because they help with task planning, organization, initiation, and completion, goal setting, attention management, time management, emotion regulation, and situational adaptation.

Making decisions, addressing problems, and accomplishing long-term goals require executive functioning.

Poor Organizational Skills

A person with poor organizational skills struggles to organize and manage their tasks, belongings, and commitments. It often emerges as a struggle to set goals, prioritize, and maintain order in physical and digital contexts.

Disorganized people may forget appointments, lose key objects, miss deadlines, or have messy homes or offices. This disability can increase stress, decrease productivity, and make goals harder to achieve.

To improve efficiency and reduce the negative impacts of poor organization, make to-do lists, set reminders, declutter, and use time-management tactics.

Unreliable Memory

Unreliable memories impair memory recall and retention. It can cause amnesia, trouble recalling current or past events, or inability to recall precise details, even after being presented.

Stress, weariness, medical issues, and cognitive deficits can affect memory. Variations in memory performance might hinder daily functioning, including project completion, decision-making, and relationships.

Effective memory management methods include note-taking, reminders, periodic maintenance, and expert therapy if memory problems are affecting quality of life.

Problems Prioritizing Tasks

When tasks are hard to prioritize, it can be hard to weigh their importance and urgency. Struggling people may have trouble prioritizing their tasks, making their daily life inefficient and stressful.

This issue, sometimes linked to executive function issues, can cause procrastination or disregarding vital tasks. Great prioritization requires recognizing each task’s importance, keeping deadlines in mind, and examining their long-term goals.

To-do lists, project breakdown, and defined goals can help people prioritize and be more productive.

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