Why Are You So Tired After Work? 7 Reasons and Solutions
Are you curious about the science behind post-work fatigue?
If so, you are not alone. Addressing weariness and discovering effective remedies requires understanding its scientific underpinnings.
Mathias Pessiglione of Pitié-Salpêtrière University says “influential theories indicated that fatigue is a sort of illusion built up by the brain to make us stop whatever we are doing and turn to a more rewarding pastime.”
However, our data show that cognitive work induces a true functional alteration — the accumulation of toxic substances — so exhaustion would be a signal to quit working, if not to preserve brain functioning.”
Read the full blog to learn more.
Why Am I Tired After Work?: Answering the Big Question to Avoid Burnout
Whether you work in an office, factory, or from home, your job can drain you.
Why do we feel exhausted after a day of light exercise? Many people have asked this difficult question, and the solution is not always obvious.
Let’s find out why we get exhausted after work and offer real solutions to an all-too-common problem.
Sugar-Caffeine Crush
Sugar and caffeine may provide a short-term energy boost, but they often cause a crash that leaves you exhausted. High sugar intake raises and lowers blood sugar levels quickly, leaving you tired.
Coffee can temporarily improve mental clarity, but too much can dehydrate and disrupt sleep, leaving you tired the next day.
Lack of Sleep
Staying up late and waking up early disrupts our circadian rhythm, which might increase fatigue.
Even with ample sleep, if it’s not at the appropriate time, we can feel tired. Night shift and variable schedule workers are especially fatigued.
Long-term sleep deprivation increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Insufficient Water Consumption
Unfortunately, many people don’t drink enough water, especially if they work long hours or exercise.
Water is essential to our bodies, and even mild dehydration can produce fatigue.
Working While Sitting
The dangers of extended sitting are well established, but modern work culture is sedentary.
Muscle stiffness and soreness from sitting might cause lethargy.
Extended sitting can also restrict blood flow, depriving our brains and bodies of oxygen and nutrients needed for optimal performance.
Inactivity might lower our metabolic rate, causing lethargy and tiredness.
Sitting for long periods can be mitigated by regular pauses to walk around.
Regular exercise can boost your metabolism and energy throughout the day.
Too Few Breaks
As expected, not taking enough breaks causes fatigue after work.
Without breaks, our minds and bodies become exhausted, lowering energy and productivity.
Working Under Pressure
Working in a demanding environment leaves many people exhausted emotionally and physically.
Chronic stress produces cortisol and other stress hormones, disrupting sleep patterns and leaving us exhausted.
Working in a stressful atmosphere can also produce anxiety and overload, making it hard to relax after a long day.
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